Top 5 Landscaping Tips for Sod Grass and Gardens

Does your lawn seem to be boring, ugly, or lifeless? If your answer is yes, then you might want to perform landscaping and add sod grass to your garden. Sod grass is a good choice if you want to instantaneously beautify your lawn. Some other methods will require you to plant seed, water them, and wait for the many weeks or months before you can actually enjoy what you planted. However, if you use sod grass, you get a shortcut and make your house look nicer in no time. Now that we have established the advantage of using sod grass, let me share with simply landscaping tips when applying sod grass in your backyard or garden.
Now that we have established the advantage of using sod grass, let me share with simply landscaping tips when applying sod grass in your backyard or garden.

Prepare the ground Logic tells you that the ground should be prepared before you lay the sod grass. Flatten the ground and make sure that it is evenly distributed. When you do this, it will be easy to apply the sod grass. You can use herbicide accordingly to kill weeds or simply pull them manually. After that, you need to till the ground and aerate it so that air can easily penetrate the soil. This will help the sod to take root as soon as possible.
Choose the right sod Needless to say, there are different types of sod grass. Each of these types has its strength and weaknesses. Some sod grass thrives in rainy weather, while other cannot live too long in a wet and moisture-rich environment. Thus, it is very crucial that you take into consideration the usual weather pattern in your place when choosing the right sod. Talk to your supplier as well and learn which sod grass is compatible with your area’s climate.
Water your sod grass In the initial weeks, you need to hydrate your newly applied sod grass. Within 2 weeks, your sod will never survive without adequate water. It is important that you water your sod grass several times within a day. In fact, you need to “flood” it with water during two weeks period to allow the grass to take root and permanently develop. After two weeks, you can now start reducing the amount of water.
Avoid mowing your lawn This does not mean to say just to let the grass grow uncontrollably. What I am saying is that you need to allow the grass to grow more than three inches in the initial time period. Since the sod grass is still young and establishing its root, mowing your lawn too soon will stress the grass and retard its growth – or worse, kill it in the process.
Maintain your lawn Do not be complacent thinking that your sod grass has survived its first six months and nothing can go wrong anymore. You need to maintain your lawn just like maintaining your car. You need to give your lawn an extra care and love as it grows stronger and deeper. These are the tips and guides you need to know when gardening with the help of sod grass. If you apply these tips, I am sure that the overall appearance of your house will become impressive.
Author bio: Morton Karrie has worked in the landscaping industry in various roles. She loves to write topics about child care, organic gardening, patio pavers and landscaping.

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